Starting from the final years of the last century, Fondazione Cariplo has tackled with determination the theme of housing emergency by intervening in the sector of Private Social Housing using the traditional approach of provision of outright grants, on the basis of calls.
However, the complexity of the initiatives and the increased demand for financial resources meant that the resources provided, thought significant, proved to be insufficient and the existing instruments on the market proved to be inadequate.

In order to overcome these limits, Fondazione Cariplo decided to embark on its Social Housing Programme in a systematic manner and thus in 2004, with the participation and support of Regione Lombardia (Lombardy Regional Council) and of ANCI Lombardia, Fondazione Cariplo set up a non-profit foundation, Fondazione Housing Sociale, (“FHS”) , for the purpose of developing Fondazione Cariplo’s Social Housing Programme and promoting the development and strengthening of the sector in accordance with Fondazione Cariplo’s values.

FHS has had a front-line role in the development of the social housing sector in Italy, having promoted the creation of the Fondo Investimenti per l’Abitare ( “FIA”, Investment Fund for Housing), managed by CDPI SGR on the basis of the Sistema Integrato dei Fondi (“SIF”, Integrated Fund System; activated in view of the National Plan for Housing Construction, Prime Minister’s Decree of 16/07/2009) which realized social housing projects throughout Italy.

FHS today is mainly active as a promoter of the sector overall and as a technical-social advisor to the funds that invest in social housing in Italy, providing assistance with urban planning, architectural and social aspects of the projects and support in the social development process of the community of residents.

FHS is also very involved in the realization of tools for the promotion of social housing, and in the dissemination of specific skills through the Master in Social and Collaborative Housing, in partnership with the Politecnico di Milano, and with the publication of a series of manuals: “The Social Manager, managing the buildings and the community in social housing projects” (2011); “Social Housing – A Handbook for Designers (2015); “Starting Up Communities, A Design Kit for Collaborative Housing” (2016).

In the course of 2013, FHS was transformed into a participatory foundation, with the aim of becoming a point of reference for operators in the social housing sector, for the institutions and for new players who intend to come into this sector. This enables them to have a more direct participation in the activities and tools of FHS, which continues to maintain its function of testing ground and of quality controller for the projects realized.

  • StatutoSTATUTO

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FHS is non-profit-making, it pursues aims of social solidarity and its objective is to contribute towards resolving the housing problem, with particular emphasis on people in situations of financial and social disadvantage. In addition,, it aims to encourage the creation of residential contexts whose inhabitants can experience positive relationships with the other residents in the community, supported by a network of services. The areas of activity of FHS are social housing and community welfare, that is to say the combination of actions, initiatives and tools that make it possible for disadvantaged people to gain access to a decent residential and social context, in which they can experience rich and meaningful human relationships.
Social housing is defined as being a combination of actions, initiatives and tools – both realized directly and facilitated by third-party initiatives – aimed at making it possible for disadvantaged people to gain access to a decent residential and social context which allows them to improve and strengthen their condition.
In line with the values of Fondazione Cariplo, FHS promotes the growth and development of non-profit operators who combine the management of the real-estate with the management of the community and of services for the residents and for the neighbourhood.
Furthermore, FHS seeks to achieve coordination with the public housing policies of a social nature, aiming to maximise the proportion of dwellings at affordable rent, rent-to-buy or controlled rent.

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FHS was founded by Fondazione Cariplo with the participation of Regione Lombardia and ANCI Lombardia (Lombardy Confederation of Municipalities).
In addition to the board members nominated by Fondazione Cariplo, the Board of Directors also contains a board member nominated by Regione Lombardia and one by ANCI Lombardia, to facilitate coordination between FHS’s activities and objectives and those of the regional authority and Lombardy local authorities.

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Management Board
BALDUCCI Alessandro – Chairman
DE STASIO Vincenzo
PAINI Francesca
GEREVINI Marco – Managing Director

Supervisory Board
PIZZINI Flavio (Chairman)
FACCINI Silvia (Regular Auditor)
ROSSINI Silvio (Regular Auditor)

The following are organs of FHS:

The Assembly is composed of all Participants.

Management Board
FHS is governed by a Management Board that consists of 8 (eight) to 10 (ten) members, of whom:
a) three are appointed by Fondazione Cariplo;
b) one is appointed by the Chairman of the Regione Lombardia regional Council;
c) one is appointed by ANCI Lombardia (Lombardy Confederation of Municipalities);
d) a further three are co-opted from the incumbent Management Board;
e) up to an additional two members are co-opted from the Management Boards of participating Members, where present.

The Chairman is appointed by the Management Board, which selects him/her from among the Councillors who have been appointed by the Founder.

Managing Director
The Chairman is appointed by the Management Board, which selects him/her from among the Councillors who have been appointed by the Founder.

Supervisory Board
The Supervisory Board is composed of three regular auditors and two alternate auditors, of whom:
– the Chairman is an alternate auditor appointed by the Founder;
– one regular auditor is appointed by the Chairman of the Regione Lombardia regional Council;
– one regular auditor is appointed by ANCI Lombardia.

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The financial year runs from 1 January to 31 December of each year. The first approved balance sheet is that of 31/12/2004.

  • Bilancio2004
  • Bilancio2005
  • Bilancio2006
  • Bilancio2007
  • Bilancio2008
  • Bilancio2009
  • Bilancio2010
  • Bilancio2011
  • Bilancio2012
  • Bilancio2013
  • Bilancio2014
  • Bilancio2015
  • Bilancio2016
  • Bilancio2017
  • Bilancio2018
  • Bilancio2019
  • Bilancio2020

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PresidenteConsigliere Delegato e DirettoreDirettore Esecutivo

Alessandro Balducci
Alessandro Balducci
Marco Gerevini
Marco Gerevini
Giordana Ferri
Giordana Ferri
Area finanza

Michele Grimolizzi
Michele Grimolizzi
Rinaldo Canzi - Coordinatore d’area
Rinaldo Canzi
Diego Dagradi
Diego Dagradi
Edoardo Nicolini
Edoardo Nicolini
Roberto Iannacone
Roberto Iannaccone
Area Pianificazione urbanistica e architettonica

Anna Pasini
Anna Pasini
Simonetta Venosta
Simonetta Venosta
Milena Prada
Milena Prada
 Ludovico Da Prato
Ludovico Da Prato
Area Design dei servizi, Welfare abitativo e Community development

Luciana Pacucci
Luciana Pacucci
Roberta Conditi
Roberta Conditi

Monica Moschini
Martina Valsesia
Martina Valsesia
Valentina Zaro
Valentina Zaro
Silvia Meazza
Silvia Meazza
Chiara Galeazzi
Chiara Galeazzi
Cecilia Rendina
Cecilia Rendina
Valentina Anti
Valentina Anti
Francesca Spigarolo
Francesca Spigarolo
Giulia Tola
Giulia Tola
Marta Maria Carmen Camiciotti <marta.camiciotti@fhs.it>
Marta Maria Carmen Camiciotti
 Carlo Pasini
Carlo Pasini
Area Visual Design e Comunicazione

 Marco Meduri
Marco Meduri
Area Amministrazione, segreteria e assistenza progetti

Donatella Denti
Donatella Denti
Silvia Luini
Silvia Luini
Marco Bessi
Marco Bessi

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FHS today is a place where the various experiences of social housing come together, and is a facilitator of the development of projects and lobby themes that are able to propose regulatory and fiscal reforms that are of benefit to the development and functioning of the sector.
For these reasons, and to encourage innovation, sharing and transfer of knowledge gained, FHS has recently been transformed into a participatory foundation.
Applications for membership are welcome from anyone who is interested in studying, experimenting, consolidating and developing effective social housing and housing welfare models, and who is willing to actively collaborate with FHS.
FHS’s activities have developed for the general interest of the sector, and include the following:

  • to accompany our partners in the development and management of projects: from the architectural and economic feasibility, to design, to social management, to monitoring activities that ensure the preservation of the asset value over time;
  • to co-ordinate, protect and represent the interests of the sector in dealings with authorities and institutions;
  • to stimulate and facilitate the growth of new forms of services connected with the residence;
  • to design, test and develop housing welfare models that are efficient, sustainable and replicable, encouraging the realization of pilot-projects.
  • to encourage technical and skills development within the sector and improve their related management, financial and technological schemes.

The main services offered by FHS are as follows:

  1. general services, which are free of charge to all associates, and are aimed at the dissemination of social housing, at training and at promoting the sector, such as: press releases and access to FHS’s dissemination and lobbying activities (on financial, urban planning, regulatory, architectural and managerial aspects);
  2. standard services, on a payment basis and directed at the preliminary evaluation and the general orientation of a specific social housing project, such as: the preparation of the so-called ‘Concept Plan’; that is, the preliminary analysis of the characteristics and sustainability of the social housing project and the monitoring activities of the community and of the Social Manager’s activities that are carried out during the course of the investment.
  3. additional services, on a payment basis and related to the phases of executive planning, realization, start-up and fine-tuning of specific projects and which relate to design activities that come after the preparation of the concept – such as the financial, architectural and managerial design that is aimed at the realization of the project and the subsequent management phase.


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Fondazione Cariplo
Vai al sito di Fondazione Cariplo
Membri istituzionali

Regione Lombardia
Vai al sito di Regione Lombardia
Vai al sito di ANCI Lombardia

CDP Investimenti Sgr
Vai al sito di CDP Immobiliare SGR S.p.A.
Vai alla pagina del FIL1

Vai al sito di Legacoop Abitanti
Vai al sito del Fondo Abitare Sostenibile Piemonte

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