FHS today operates throughout Italy, having put in place a network of collaborations that go from Cassa Depositi e Prestiti to the major real-estate funds, to banking foundations and key operators in housing partnerships.
It was, in fact, in 2009, following the approval of the “Piano Nazionale per l’Edilizia abitativa” (National Plan for Housing Construction, Prime Minister’s Decree of 16/07/2009), that the SIF (Integrated Funds System for Social Housing) was set up, through which it was possible to provide a structured response on a national scale to the demand for affordable housing. In fact, SIF paved the way for the setting up of a nationwide Investment Fund for Housing (FIA), which was managed by CDPI sgr, a fund management company of which Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, the Association of Italian Banks and the Association of Banking Foundations are shareholders. The FIA, with funds of 2 billion Euros, has enabled the establishment of a series of local ethical funds which are dedicated to social housing initiatives promoted by the active stakeholders on the territory (local councils, banking foundations, housing enterprises, private and private social operators) and which operate in the public interest and the good of society .
FHS, under the SIF, acts as technical social advisor to the following local ethical funds: